Grow your Brand by 300%

Expand your Network to Accelerate your Growth


Welcome back to the tribe!

In 2 weeks I managed to increase my twitter following by around 300%.

What did I do?

I networked my ass off.

Today I want to talk about the importance of your network,

And what better way to start than by telling you my own story.

My Story

My Twitter journey started off all the way back in March and I’m going to be honest,

I had no idea quite how much went into building a following.

I thought I could just hop on twitter, write a few tweets a day and just get a load of followers,

To a novice that what it seemed like everybody else was doing.

I was very wrong.

The first couple of months were rough, like really rough.

By the end of April I had only 60 followers and was on the verge of giving up,

But something changed.

I took a two week holiday to Egypt (which is amazing btw I would highly recommend) and came back feeling super motivated and ready to go.

But this time, I knew I had to change something.

So, I started to DM people

A lot.

During the last 2 weeks of May I probably sent 150 DMs.

It took a lot of time and effort but,

It worked, I ended May on roughly 150 followers!

In the space of 2 weeks my Twitter following increased by just under 300%.

One very important thing happened when I was sending all of these DMs,

It just so happens that one of the people I reached out to ran a free engagement group,

Joining this lead to engagement I had never had before.

All of a sudden I kept on growing and growing,

And growing.

So next time you think to yourself, how is this guy growing so quickly??

They’re probably just networking like a beast.

I want you to make me a promise.

DM 10 people every single day,

Ask them about their business, their goals, their problems.

Try to make friends,

Don’t just ask for a follow.

And I promise you in return, your follower count will increase.

The Power of Networking


It's a term thrown around so often, but I guarantee you don’t truly understand its power.

You have to think about your network like having a group of supportive friends.

Because that is what it is.

There’s a weird stigma that networking is a corporate, formal thing.


It’s just a fancy word for friends.

Your network will become your secret weapon, a go-to group for advice, learning, and endless opportunities.

With a diverse network, you'll be able to tap into a goldmine of ideas and collaborations.

It's not just about "business," it's about forming genuine relationships that lead to growth and mutual support.

Expanding Your Network

Let's explore a few proven strategies that will grow your network on Twitter and propel you to digital freedom!

First, don't underestimate the power of DMs.

A thoughtful message to someone you admire can lead to incredible opportunities.

Be genuine, show interest, and strike up meaningful conversations.

But remember,

People are good at sensing BS. If you DM someone with the intention of selling, or just for a follow, they’ll know.

The comments section is another great place to make some friends.

Engage with others' tweets, provide valuable insights, and start conversations.

Through Twitter I have made genuine connections can that have lead to collaborations, partnerships, and hopefully lifelong friendships.

Do not forget,

Expanding your network isn't just about numbers—it's about quality connections.

Focus on building authentic relationships, adding value, and celebrating others' wins.

Nuturing Relationships

Expanding your network is one thing, but maintaining it is a whole other beast.

In a world that's increasingly digital, the value of genuine and authentic connections cannot be overstated.

Imagine this: You strike up a conversation with a like-minded individual who resonates with your brand values.

They become not just a follower, but a true advocate for your work.

They spread the word, engage with your content, and even become potential collaborators or clients.

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal for just sending a DM doesn’t it?

It’s called Social Capital.

Simply put, is the value derived from your relationships and connections within a social network.

It's like having a stack of golden tickets that open doors to exciting possibilities.

But how do you make these connections bloom and flourish?

Show interest in others, engage in meaningful conversations, and provide value whenever you can.

Building and maintaining these connections requires effort and time. But trust me, the long-term benefits are totally worth it.

That’s it folks. I hope you enjoyed this week’s newsletter!

As always, please reply to this email or send me any questions you have over on Twitter. I’d be happy to answer them, and who knows maybe next week’s newsletter will have all the answers you need.

Speak soon,
